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Visuel "Duchenne : breaking barriers"

World Duchenne Awareness Day: everyone mobilized !

The 10th World Duchenne Awareness Day, on September 7, is a call to action to break down the physical, social and healthcare barriers faced by the 250,000 people around the world affected by this disease. It's also an opportunity to take stock of advances in research into this disease, which is emblematic of our Association. 

équipe Isabelle Richard à Généthon

Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I/R9: first gene therapy results 

The first clinical results of the gene therapy for the treatment of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I/R9 show good preliminary efficacy and biological tolerability. These first results have been presented during oral communications during the 30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ESGCT) and will be presented in the 2023 International Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Conference in Washington DC.

Xavier Nissan, chercheur à Istem

I-Stem, coordinator of an innovative research consortium

Finding treatments for neuromuscular diseases by combining artificial intelligence, stem cells and pharmacological screening is the aim of the new DREAMS research consortium, coordinated by I-Stem. An unprecedented project!

bénévole tenant des ballons

Telethon 2024: Join the Cause on November 29 and 30!

While it is customary for the heart of solidarity to beat for the Telethon on the first weekend in December, this year, exceptionally, the Telethon will be held on November 29 and 30, to make way for the ceremony to reopen the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris.

Hélène atteinte d'une myopathie FSH

World FSHD Day: Advancing Research

On June 20, World FSHD Day reminds us of the importance of raising awareness and supporting research into facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Committed to the fight against FSHD, the AFM-Téléthon is making available a series of publications to enlight the advances in research by it, but also by many other neuromuscular diseases. 

Plateau du téléthon 2023 avec 100 chercheurs

Telethon 2023 : €80,671,222: Thanks to you! 

The Telethon 2023 ended on a high of €80,671,222, which shows the confidence and exceptional mobilization of donors and volunteers for this year's event, rich in victories against disease and promises for all those waiting for the diagnosis and treatment that will change their lives. We must not give up. 

Carte de voeux 2024 avec les 4 ambassadeurs du téléthon 2023

Happy new year!

The AFM-Téléthon sends you its best wishes for the New Year and hopes that 2024 will be full of scientific breakthroughs, small and large joys, and shared victories!