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Calls for proposals

Published at 12/09/2024, last update at

Through its annual calls for proposals, each year AFM-Telethon supports new research projects in France and abroad, particularly for young researchers. After assessment by its Scientific advisory board, the Association finances the most relevant or most innovative initiatives in the development of therapeutic concepts and the understanding of the causes of rare and neuromuscular diseases. Discover its calls for proposals and financing opportunities. 

AFM-Telethon Scientific call for proposals ​2025

The development of new therapeutic concepts for rare diseases and the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of neuromuscular diseases are the subject of numerous funding from the AFM-Téléthon through its annual calls for proposals. Each year, the Association supports more than 200 research projects and young researchers (doctoral and post-doctoral fellows). Funding requests must be submitted through the online web portal according to the calendar. ​

AFM-Telethon Medical research call for proposals 2025

The development of new therapeutic concepts for rare diseases and the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of neuromuscular diseases are the subject of numerous funding from AFM-Téléthon through its annual calls for proposals. Each year, the Association supports more than 200 research projects and young researchers (doctoral and post-doctoral fellows). Funding requests must be submitted through the online web portal according to the calendar. 

SMA Europe call for proposals

Through its twice-yearly calls for proposals, SMA Europe supports European research projects in the field of spinal muscular atrophy. After assessment by its Scientific Advisory Board, the organisation funds the most relevant or most innovative initiatives in the development of therapeutic concepts and the understanding of the causes of spinal muscular atrophy.

SMA Europe is pleased to announce the launch of its 12th Call. For more information on the Call’s research priorities, key dates and how to apply, please visit our website (which will updated very soon).

Applications are made online, via the application portal provided by AFM-Telethon, one of the SMA-Europe member organisations.


Congresses and conferences

AFM-Telethon can provide specific funding for national or international scientific congresses and workshops, which aim to increase understanding of neuromuscular diseases and help develop new therapeutic options.​

The funding request must describe the objectives of the congress, the topics covered, the public to be addressed and the perspectives. It must also contain:​

  • A scientific program (or preliminary program) with session titles, identified/confirmed speakers and talk titles,​
  • A detailed provisional budget (expenses and receipts), with supports requested/accepted to other sponsors, and the support requested to AFM-Telethon.​

If AFM-Telethon has already supported the organization of a previous edition, provide the corresponding financial report in a PDF format.​

The congress funding request will be presented at the nearest meeting of the Board of Directors of AFM-Téléthon, depending on the submission date of your application (Incomplete application will delay the process).​

    Other funding opportunities

    Partnership with associations and institutions (upon request contact: ​

    • AFM Telethon supports innovative biotherapy projects funded through calls for proposals organized by the partner associations. The partner association must have a scientific council (idealy international) and procedures in place to assess the evaluation process. ​

    Clinical and Genetic Registries (upon request contact:​

    • The constitution and development of clinical and genetic registries are essential to better understand the evolution of the disease and to recruit patients who can participate in clinical trials. 16 databases have already received support from the Association. Such clinical projects require the collaboration of clinicians, geneticists and clinical research assistants in particular.​

    Specific research grant (for strategic projects) 

    • AFM-Téléthon provides multi-year support to clinical projects and also to translational poles bringing together skills and resources to progress in the development of biotherapies and diagnostic tools.​

      Learn more about applying process

      Access to the portal "Scientific Information System" allows the applicant:​

      • To complete and submit an application for funding for a specific program.​
      • To log into the database by creating a personal profile.​
      • To track the status of their applications for funding.​
      • To respond to requests from AFM-Téléthon.​
      • To follow up grants by completing some monitoring reports (scientific and financial reports).​
      • To consult your requests as Principal Investigator or as Partner.​
      • To access consent application form as Partner, Director of research or as Supervisor​