Families and researchers are counting on you !

Become a partner 

Published at 23/08/2022

Participation in the Telethon or support for our therapeutic and social innovation projects, your company can get involved in various ways. Find out how to become a partner/sponsor of AFM-Telethon.

Why get involved? 

With your help, the medical revolution is underway!   

Do you have an entity in France and wish to take part? 

Contribute to the emergence of biotherapies to fight rare diseases and pave the way for treatments for the most common diseases:  

  • Support our 3 leading laboratories and our 500 researchers, a unique fighting force (gene therapy, cell therapy, pharmacogenetics).  
  • Help finance almost 200 scientific programs and support young researchers.  
  • Support a strategy that encourages boldness and innovation.  
  • Contribute to the development of the drugs of the future.  

Create value for your company and develop your CSR policy:  

  • Get involved in a real scientific and medical challenge.  
  • Associate your company with the Telethon, an event with a strong reputation and positive values, namely raising the bar, public interest and solidarity.  
  • Increase the “sympathy capital” of your brand and of your company.  
  • Unite your employees around a meaningful human adventure and introduce a new dimension with your partners, customers and suppliers.  

Together let’s create a corporate social project that gets your employees involved and enhances your brand.  

Take part in the Telethon 

Becoming a partner of the Telethon means teaming up with a unique event that unites 12 million TV viewers and 2,5 million people at more than 20,000 events held throughout France and abroad.  

Take part in your kind of Telethon, and join the close to 100 companies, federations and professional organizations taking part alongside you.  

Implement supportive, meaningful and value-oriented communication for your company: raising the bar, public interest and solidarity.  

Below are some possible forms of support for your company:  

  • Market a Telethon product-share.  
  • Get your network of stores, clubs, partners and suppliers on board. 
  • Use your online and offline communication materials to support fundraising.  
  • Organize an internal fun and celebratory fundraising event.  
  • Take part in the Telethon’s inter-company sport challenges with your employees.  
  • Make a donation.  

Fill out our form to take part in the Telethon (in french)


Support our strategic projects 

Your company can become a patron for AFM-Telethon.   

Commit to financing a targeted program that is in keeping with your CSR strategy, on one of the main social missions: “Cure” and “Care”.   

Cure mission  

Take part in research programs that benefit rare diseases but also common ones, through our public interest strategy. With genetic research, AFM-Telethon heralds a new era in medicine and produces new therapies.   

Contribute to the development of the Institute of Myology(founded in 1996 by AFM-Telethon), the first European center devoted to the study of muscle, and to our international reputation. And help makes muscles in “all forms” (from diseased and healthy muscles to sport and ageing muscles) a public health issue.  

Care mission  

AFM-Telethon also innovates in the social and technological field for full civil status for people with disabilities. Support for caregivers, support for families... your company can help people achieve their life plans despite the complex situations caused by the disease.  

Take part in a major project currently seeking funding: the Pôle Grand Ouest (western division). Created jointly with all parties involved in the dependency sector, this center will be located in Angers and will be equipped with innovative systems to support individuals with significant dependency.   

Programs achieved thanks to support from our patrons:  

  • Rehabilitation (Synerciel), furnishings and decoration (But), garden (Fondation G. Truffaut) of the Maison de l’Autonomie d’Etiolles (in the Essonne region) with systems that assist with patient autonomy.  
  • Financing (EDF Group foundation) of the research program Respimyo (on the diaphragm), at the Institute of Myology.

More information: our missions


If you are a company or professional organization with an entity in France and you wish to become a partner/patron or obtain more information, please contact us: