Families and researchers are counting on you !

Telethon 2023: 92,905,533 euros, an exceptional result. Thank you for your support!

Published at 28/03/2024
Résultat final collecte 2023 resize

92,905,533 is the final amount raised by the Telethon held on 8 and 9 December 2023. This exceptional result bears witness to the unfailing mobilization of millions of donors, volunteers, and partners throughout France and abroad.

It is also the result of the commitment of our patron, Vianney, as well as the artists, presenters, and teams from France Télévisions who took part in this marathon of solidarity, the only one of its kind in the world, giving researchers the resources they need to continue their work and build a new medicine for the benefit of all. The first victories against rare diseases encourage us to multiply our efforts on behalf of all those who are impatiently waiting for the treatment that will change their lives.

‘Every Telethon is a unique and powerful occasion because it is the driving force behind the excellent research driven by patients and parents of patients, which today saves lives. It's also a rallying point for the public and a show of solidarity that spans the whole of France over the course of a weekend. Together, we are building a new medicine for the benefit of as many people as possible, and we can all be proud of the initial victories. Our fight must continue because there is no plan B for rare diseases. Thank you so much! Many thanks to all the donors, volunteers, partners, artists, presenters, and teams from France Télévisions, and to our patron, Vianney, who have made this Telethon 2023 a success.’  Laurence Tiennot-Herment, President of AFM-Téléthon.

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A whirlwind of poignant testimonials and powerful emotions

During the 30 hours of programming on 8 and 9 December, you had the opportunity to meet families and hear about their daily lives, their fight against the disease, but also their hopes in the light of the major advances in research to which researchers came to testify.  You will have seen the extent to which, throughout France and beyond our borders, volunteers are mobilizing for families, with events that are sometimes as crazy as they are funny, and sharing moments of joy with artists committed to the Telethon.

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Families say THANK YOU !

‘The diagnosis allowed me to have a treatment’, ‘my daughter is alive again, she has been saved’, ‘this progress, we couldn't even imagine it’, ‘the evolution is just exceptional’ .... Jules, Victoire, Sacha, Elena, Oscar and Mathilde, all suffering from rare diseases, have benefited from a diagnosis and treatment that has opened the door to a new life. Their families say thank you !

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Many thanks to our partners !

Every year, we can count on the support of almost 100 companies and sports federations. Committed alongside us, the Telethon's partners spare no effort to support research and accompany families in their fight. Today, this success is also theirs. Many thanks to them!