MuskelsVindfonden Association visits the Institute of Myology

On Friday 31 August, 56 people from the Danish association MuskelsVindfonden, the Danish equivalent of AFM-Téléthon, visited the Institut de Myologie.
This Danish delegation from MuskelsVindfonden, made up of staff and volunteers from the association, was in Paris from 28 to 31 August to support Danish athletes taking part in the Paralympic Games. Among the members present were Simon Toftgaard Jespersen (President), Christian Skytt (CEO), and Henrik IB Jorgensen (Director).
During their stay, they visited the Institute of Myology to learn more about our association, its history and achievements, and to exchange best practices with the various departments of AFM-Téléthon.
The morning consisted of a series of presentations :
- The history, organisation and achievements of the AFM-Téléthon by François Lamy and Alexandre Mejat.
- The Institute of Myology and the future Foundation, presented by Olivier Stephan, Head of Scientific Operations and Grants, Myology Institute.
- A demonstration of the MyoTools by Valérie Decostre, Research Physiotherapist, Myology Institute.
- A quiz on muscles.
- A visit to the physiology and neuromuscular assessment laboratory.
"The participants came away delighted with the visit, which paves the way for future exchanges. In addition to this day, AFM-Téléthon and MuskelsVindfonden already collaborate throughout the year. Both organisations are members of the European NeuroMuscular Center (ENMC) and SMA Europe, where their representatives meet regularly," explains Alexandre MEJAT, Deputy Director of International Scientific Networks.